Monday, July 08, 2013

Mook Yan Jong (Wooden Dummy) Padding under $20

Home made padding for Wooden Dummy

This person has an excellent idea for  bespoke padding for the dummy. This  idea of  wrapping a yoga mat around the  body and few times, taping it and then cutting an 'X' shape in the arm squares is clever. 
  • This idea means you are not just restricted to the high and low areas, where traditional pads are inserted. You have access to mid-range, and even behind - should that be relevant. Maybe even weak knee strikes could be used.
  • He mentions the give in the arms are affected as the mat adds distance, now, so maybe the peg is redundant. (Just don't lap sau in a straight line then, pull down with the lap sau to avoid it pulling out !?).

Home made padding for Wooden Dummy

This person has an excellent idea for  bespoke padding for the dummy. This  idea of  wrapping a yoga mat around the  body and few times, taping it and then cutting an 'X' shape in the arm squares is cleaver. 
  • This idea means you are not just restricted to the high and low areas, where traditional pads are inserted. You have access to mid-range, and even behind - should that be relevant. Maybe even weak knee strikes could be used.
  • He mentions the give in the arms are affected as the mat adds distance, now, so maybe the peg is redundant. (Just don't lap sau in a straight line then, pull down with the lap sau to avoid it pulling out !?).